XS iSmart™ Introducing the Future of Player Tracking
Makes every slot machine cell phone ready!
Turns your cell phone into your player card!
Positively ID’s players for maximum security!
Isn’t it time your slots went mobile?
It’s the iSmart way to play!
The Next Generation of Playing Tracking is Here!
Experience the iSmart difference!
Eliminates Player Cards!
It’s a Game Changer!
Experience the XS iSmart difference!
Takes Player Loyalty to a New Level!

Contact Information
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Please contact us by phone or email.
28364 S. Western Ave. Ste. 486,
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Toll Free: (866) 666-5524
Las Vegas: (702) 666-8920
FAX: (866) 666-4963
E-mail: sales@xstechnology.net